I think it’s time for a little background info before I go any further.

When I was purchasing the car I asked the seller if he knew the vehicle’s history. He told me he was the third owner, and that he knew the first and second owners very well. A older lady [family friend] bought the car new, and after driving it for a few years sold it to her son. The seller bought the car from the son for his daughter to drive.

While looking the car over I asked him three times if the car had been in any accidents. And of course he said ‘no’ each time. I admit that I was ignorant on what to look for when buying an old car. There is an old saying: “A picture is worth a thousand words!”

Here are some pictures taken during the stripping / cleaning of the body; you decide if he was being truthful or not…

  Stripping & Cleaning   Stripping & Cleaning   Stripping & Cleaning  
Stripping & Cleaning
  Stripping & Cleaning  
Stripping & Cleaning Stripping & Cleaning
Stripping & Cleaning
Stripping & Cleaning Stripping & Cleaning
Stripping & Cleaning
Stripping & Cleaning
Stripping & Cleaning
Stripping & Cleaning
Stripping & Cleaning
Stripping & Cleaning
Stripping & Cleaning
Stripping & Cleaning
Stripping & Cleaning
Stripping & Cleaning
Stripping & Cleaning Stripping & Cleaning Stripping & Cleaning Stripping & Cleaning
Stripping & Cleaning
So…as you can see there was a lot of ‘discovery’ when the paint and tons of Bondo were removed. I seem to remember saying at one time that I was looking forward to doing this restoration because I am going to get to learn some body work techniques. When this beast hits the road again I will pretty much be an expert!!!
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